Mark Munro founded Write Track Media in 1994 with a commitment to providing innovative solutions that eliminate repetition within a computerized workflow.
Mark spent almost ten years working in the Information Technology field in New York City employed by corporations including Jack Morton Worldwide. During that time, he gained a wealth of experience in networking, user training, technical support, database and custom application development. He began using HyperCard and FileMaker Pro in 1988 to increase the efficiency of information sharing and to automate repetitive activity in the company workflow. When AppleScript was released in 1992, he transitioned his HyperCard experience and began building custom workflow automation solutions with AppleScript and FaceSpan while continuing to build databases with FileMaker.
Write Track Media uses AppleScript, AppleScript Objective-C and FileMaker Pro along with other tools to provide their clients with custom software solutions and a more efficient workflow.
Shortly after founding Write Track Media, he established a unique template–driven approach to developing custom solutions which offered the benefits of mass production while addressing the needs of each individual client. Now, Write Track Media uses AppleScript, AppleScript Objective-C and FileMaker Pro along with other tools to provide their clients with custom software solutions and a more efficient workflow.
Mark’s vision, focus, and attention to detail appealed to business leaders and quickly gained him an extensive clientele. Write Track Media has since gained a reputation for excellence, developing complex automated solutions for companies in a variety of industries all across the country.