Write Track Media was founded on a unique view of the role of automation in human life.
We believe that automation is as natural to human beings as using their mind and body.
The human mind stores information using concepts organized into a relational hierarchy, making vast quantities of data more manageable and instantly available. Automatizing physical actions when acquiring a new skill makes the movements involved habitual and easily reproducible with much less focus and effort. The human act of learning — an idea or action — is a form of automation. Developing tools in the physical world is an extension of this process as are software tools that help organize information and automate digital processes.
Throughout human history, we see automation as a natural form of productivity, a life-enhancing virtue that empowers the individual, maximizes their productive effort and makes reinvestment in new, creative endeavors possible.
Throughout human history, we see automation as a natural form of productivity, a life-enhancing virtue that empowers the individual, maximizes their productive effort and makes reinvestment in new, creative endeavors possible. When we produce goods and services for trade with others, we are applying reason to the problem of survival. Automation, an increase in production efficiency, is an amplification of this process. It is a necessary and intensely human attribute and it moves us forward as individuals and as a species.
Automation, an increase in production efficiency, is a necessary and intensely human attribute and it moves us forward as individuals and as a species.
Instead of stressful demands force fed from efficiency experts as a new corporate mantra for increased production, a well designed software solution empowers employees with the tools they need to become more productive. Custom software can be designed as an extension of the natural way people function, amplifying their strengths and leveraging their skills. Systems should remove obstacles, repetition and disorder while freeing employees to achieve their goals in a less stressful environment. The result should be a positive experience, making possible a productive and happy workplace.
For over two decades, Write Track Media has designed custom databases and automated systems that help our clients optimize how they work with digital assets, freeing them to focus on their highest creative potential. As we look forward with new goals and fresh ideas about how to optimize the digital workspace, we hope you will join us on our continuing quest for a more efficient world.